Freeze Level / Four Eyes Check

Freeze Level

It is related to sign off. Here, we give signoff status like 0,1, 2, 3 etc

0= There is no locking, anybody can do the changes, no authorization needed.

1= (Not sure)

Default Visibility in Model 

  1. Default Visibility is YES:
    By default, when a data source is added to the model, all its columns are visible when you view the data model.

  2. Setting Visibility to NO:
    If the Default Visibility is set to NO for a data source, the columns from that source will not be visible when you first view the data model. They will remain hidden until you explicitly enable their visibility in the Header Management section.

  3. Example Scenario:

    • You have a data model with data coming from 3 data sources.
    • By default, all columns from all 3 sources will be visible when you look at the data model.
    • However, if you set the default visibility of one of the sources to NO, the columns from that source will be hidden in the data model until you go into Header Management and mark them as visible.

Why Use Default Visibility as NO?

  • This setting is useful when you want to hide certain data from the view by default but still want to have the flexibility to control which columns get displayed via Header Management.
  • It’s especially helpful when dealing with sensitive data or large data models, where you want to keep the view streamlined until specific columns are needed.

In summary:

  • YES = Columns visible by default.
  • NO = Columns hidden by default and require manual visibility adjustment in Header Management.

Four Eyes Check 

  1. Modification by Authorized User:

    • If a user has been granted the Four Eyes Check permission, they can make modifications to the records within the system.
    • However, the modifications they make do not immediately affect the live or visible records in the system. Instead, these records are placed in a “Parked” state, meaning they are temporarily stored for review.
  2. Parked Records:

    • After a modification is made, the records are moved to a parked state, indicating that they are pending review and approval.
    • These parked records are not visible to everyone in the system yet. They are isolated to prevent any unauthorized or unverified changes from becoming visible to all users.
  3. Approval by Approver (Second Eye):

    • A designated approver, who has the necessary authority, will then review the parked records.
    • The approver evaluates the changes made and can either approve or reject the modifications.
  4. Visibility After Approval:

    • Once the approver approves the changes, the modified records are released and become visible to everyone in the system. At this point, the modifications are considered authorized and final.

Key Benefits:

  • Prevents Unauthorized Modifications: By requiring a second set of eyes (the approver), this system ensures that no unauthorized changes are made without oversight.
  • Audit Trail and Transparency: The process creates an audit trail, where modifications can be tracked, and each change is validated before it becomes visible to the entire user base.
  • Controlled Access: Users who are allowed to modify records can still do so, but their changes will not be immediately accessible, providing a safety net for review.

Example Scenario:

  • User A has permission to modify records but has Four Eyes Check enabled.
  • User A makes a modification to a record, but this modification is parked and cannot be seen by other users.
  • User B (the approver) reviews the parked records and either approves or rejects the changes.
  • If approved, the modified record becomes live and visible to everyone.

When to Use Four Eyes Check:

  • When you want to maintain control over changes, especially in sensitive data environments.
  • In environments where multiple users need the ability to modify records, but those modifications need oversight for accuracy or security purposes.
  • When compliance or audit requirements demand that modifications go through an approval process before becoming official.



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