Definition :- Data Source are data repository that read or load data into Controller View from source system or file.

The Data Source object enables you to load data into Axiom from source systems or files. It contains a complete definition of all data attributes. A Data Source is a metadata set that describes the structure of transactional or reference data tables, their location, and how they are stored.

Defining a Data Source is essential for the system to access and utilize the data effectively. Data Sources offer significant flexibility, as data can be loaded through multiple methods and from various sources. It can either physically load data into system-generated tables or read and access the data from external systems.

For audit and compliance purposes, it is recommended to load data into Axiom rather than accessing or reading it directly from external source systems.

Types of Data SourceĀ 

There are two types of Data Sources:

  1. User-defined Data Sources
    These objects are created and configured by users, specifying data loading parameters, layout, storage attributes, and more.
  2. System-generated Data Sources
    Axiom generates these Data Sources during the execution of Portfolios, Aggregations, Freeform Reports, and other processes.

General Tab:

Source Hosting:

Internal Data Sources

  • These Data Sources are maintained within Axiom. The functionality allows users to load and manually adjust (modify) the data.
  • The process is permission-driven, with a complete historical audit trail provided, which is helpful for compliance purposes.
  • If structural or other major changes are made to an Internal Data Source, Axiom automatically rebuilds all the existing data tables in the database to reflect the new configuration.

External Data Sources

  • These Data Sources are maintained outside of Axiom.
  • There is no option to load or manually adjust the data.
  • Axiom reads the data but does not store it.
  • External Data Source layouts should always be kept in sync with the underlying data structure.
  • It functions like a view pointing to another table outside the Axiom Database (i.e., an External Database).
  • If the table is maintained within the Axiom database, adjustments can be made.

Data Structure:

  • Flat File
  • Aggregation
  • Aggregation with Subtotals
  • Hierarchical

Note: All Data Sources created by users should be left with the default option, Flat File (by default).
Aggregation and Aggregation with Subtotals are system-generated Data Sources that are created after the execution of the aggregation model.

DB Source:

Specifies the underlying database where the Data Source-related tables are created and data is stored.

Loading Method:

Defines how the data is loaded into a Data Source. This attribute is only relevant for INTERNAL Data Sources.

  1. Load from File:
    • Load from file (on server) and Load local file (on desktop) options are used to load data from any type of file, which could be in text, Excel, PDF format, etc.
    • Load Local File (on desktop) button: Browse and select the file from your local computer desktop for data loading. This option transfers the file to the server once selected.
    • Load from File (on server) button: Select a file from the list available on the server to load the data.
  2. Load from Table:
    • This method is used to load data from a table, which can be either inside or outside Axiom.
    • If the source hosting is set to External, Load from Table is the only available option.
  3. Create Instance:
    • This option is used when there is no file or table present to load the data. Data can be loaded either through a loader action or by manually adding the data.



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